Saturday, November 7, 2009

List of Function in VC++, Explain with Example

  1. GetClientRect
  2. CloseWindow
  3. GetDlgItem
  4. EnableWindow
  5. Invalidate
  6. RedrawWindow
  7. GetWindowText
  8. SetWindowText
  9. GetScrollPos
  10. GetScrollRange
  11. SetScrollPos
  12. SetScrollRange
  13. SetTimer
  14. MessageBox
  15. GetCurSel
  16. GetLBText
  17. GetLBTextLen
  18. AddString
  19. DeleteString
  20. InsertString
  21. ResetContent
  22. GetCount
  23. GetText
  24. GetTextLen
  25. UpdateData
  26. MoveTo
  27. LineTo
  28. Rectangle
  29. Ellipse
  30. DoModal
  31. atoi 
  32. IsEmpty
  33. Empty
  34. GetAt
  35. SetAt
  36. MakeLower
  37. MakeUpper
  38. MakeReverse
  39. Remove
  40. Format
  41. Insert
  42. Delete
  43. Find
  44. ReverseFind
  45. SetRange
  46. GetRange
  47. GetPos
  48. SetPos
  49. OffsetPos
  50. SetStep
  51. StepIt
Explain All Function in Brief. Write Explanation in Notebook.

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